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Please enter into the business directory only when you cannot find your company using the search engine below.
English is the official language on
Only if your company is a manufacturer, an agent or a dealer related to semiconductors or electronic parts,
    you can add your company to the business directory and use it usefully.
Submissions must be in English and your website needs to be abailable in English.
If your company enters information about the company into this directory, the members of or any others
    may send quotation requests to your company by email, and you can reply by sending quotations by email.
    This will expand your business.

Your Company Information

 Password : *

      Password2 :

 Company type : *



 If there is no the COMPANY TYPE of your company, click ADD COMPANY TYPE
 and add a new company type, and then select COMPANY TYPE.

 Company Name : *

  [Check your company is in our directory already.]

 Address 1 :


 Address 2 :


 zip / postal code :


 Country : *


 Telephone # : *


 Fax # : *


 Company URL :


 Pb Free URL :




 Information Email : *


 Quote email : *


 Company Introduction :


Personel Information

 Contact Name : *


 Contact Title : *


 contact Telephone # : *


 Contact Fax # :


 Contact Email : *


Input Your Category

1st Category

Please select manufacturers that your company mainly deals with.
If you cannot find a manufacturer that your company deals with, send the company to We will update it immediately.

[Select] [Delete All] [Delete checked item]

2nd Category

Please select products that your company mainly deals with. If you cannot find a product that your company deals with, send the product to We will update it immediately.

[Select] [Delete All] [Delete checked item]



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